Thursday, August 8, 2013

Open Microsoft Word and go to the insert tab. Insert- Picture- Word Art. Type in the text you would like for the first line. To stretch it to be taller and wider, just click on the word, click and hold one of the black corner squares and then drag to the right until it is the size you want. On the second line with the middle & last name, do the same thing as above but just insert a separate word art for each but on the same line. The dotted line is just a row of periods stretched & made short

Be crafty , and make old bottle look adorable!
Be crafty , and make old bottle look adorable!
Open Microsoft Word and go to the insert tab. Insert- Picture- Word Art. Type in the text you would like for the first line. To stretch it to be taller and wider, just click on the word, click and hold one of the black corner squares and then drag to the right until it is the size you want. On the second line with the middle & last name, do the same thing as above but just insert a separate word art for each but on the same line. The dotted line is just a row of periods stretched & made short
Open Microsoft Word and go to the insert tab. Insert- Picture- Word Art. Type in the text you would like for the first line. To stretch it to be taller and wider, just click on the word, click and hold one of the black corner squares and then drag to the right until it is the size you want. On the second line with the middle & last name, do the same thing as above but just insert a separate word art for each but on the same line. The dotted line is just a row of periods stretched & made short
Baby girl nursery
Baby girl nursery

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